Anyway to fix it I placed this CSS in my code which resolved it:
#___plusone_0 iframe { height: 25px !important; left: 0 !important; top: 0 !important; position: static }
#___plusone_0 iframe { height: 25px !important; left: 0 !important; top: 0 !important; position: static }
USE (yourumbracodatabase) GO IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.triggers WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[TR_CNI_UmbracoNode_AfterUpdate]')) DROP TRIGGER [dbo].[TR_CNI_UmbracoNode_AfterUpdate] GO /* There are two very special tables that can exist only within triggers: the inserted and deleted tables. These tables are used to store the before and after state of the table that was affected by the INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement that caused the trigger to fire in the first place. */ CREATE TRIGGER TR_CNI_UmbracoNode_AfterUpdate ON dbo.umbracoNode AFTER UPDATE AS DECLARE @id INT CREATE TABLE #NodeIds ( nodeId INT ) IF UPDATE(parentID) OR UPDATE(sortOrder) BEGIN SELECT @id = FROM inserted i INNER JOIN deleted d ON = WHERE d.parentID <> i.parentID OR d.sortOrder <> i.sortOrder IF (@id IS NOT NULL) BEGIN INSERT INTO #NodeIds SELECT @id -- Parent UNION ALL SELECT -- Children FROM dbo.umbracoNode un WHERE un.[path] LIKE '%,' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(40), @id) + ',%' END END -- Delete existing nodeId rows DELETE FROM dbo.T_CNI_PublishNodeData WHERE nodeId IN ( SELECT nodeId FROM #NodeIds ) -- Insert new dates for nodeIds INSERT INTO dbo.T_CNI_PublishNodeData (nodeId, publishedDate) SELECT nodeId, GETUTCDATE() FROM #NodeIds DROP TABLE #NodeIds