SELECT 'JobLevels' AS ParentID, ID, Name, COUNT(L1.JobLevelID) AS ProductCount FROM pc.CatJobLevel A1 INNER JOIN pc.CatProductJobLevel L1 ON A1.ID = L1.JobLevelID GROUP BY ID, Name
Here is the resulting output:
ParentID | ID | Name | ProductCount |
JobLevels | 1 | Entry-level | 2 |
JobLevels | 2 | Executive | 4 |
JobLevels | 3 | General Population | 4 |
Now I wanted to bring back a localized Name value so I added a new XML column called Localisation and filled in the following XML for each row changing each Text value:
<Column culture="ru" name="Name">
?????????? ??????
In order to bring back the correct XML element value I created this function so I can reuse it:
CREATE FUNCTION [GetLocalisationColumn] ( @XmlColumn XML -- The xml column ,@ColumnName NVARCHAR(100) -- The name of the column ,@Culture NVARCHAR(10) -- The culture name ) RETURNS NVARCHAR(MAX) AS BEGIN DECLARE @Result NVARCHAR(MAX) SET @Result = CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX), @XmlColumn.query('/Localisation/Columns/Column[@name = sql:variable("@ColumnName") and @culture = sql:variable("@Culture")]/Text/text()')) RETURN @Result END
My problem
When trying to call my function in the SELECT I received an error. Here is my new SQL statement and the error:
SELECT 'JobLevels' AS ParentID ,ID ,Name ,GetLocalisationColumn(Localisation, 'Name', 'ru') AS LocalisedName ,COUNT(L1.JobLevelID) AS ProductCount FROM pc.CatJobLevel A1 INNER JOIN pc.CatProductJobLevel L1 ON A1.ID = L1.JobLevelID GROUP BY ID, Name
Column 'CatJobLevel.Localisation' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
I tried to convert the XML column so it could be included in the GROUP BY but still got the same error:
SELECT 'JobLevels' AS ParentID ,ID ,Name ,pc.GetLocalisationColumn(Localisation, 'Name', 'ru') AS LocalisedName ,COUNT(L1.JobLevelID) AS ProductCount FROM pc.CatJobLevel A1 INNER JOIN pc.CatProductJobLevel L1 ON A1.ID = L1.JobLevelID GROUP BY ID, Name, CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX), Localisation)
My solution
I use a sub-query to join my localised results to and this works:
SELECT 'JobLevels' AS ParentID ,A1.ID ,A1.Name ,A11.Name AS LocalisedName ,COUNT(L1.JobLevelID) AS ProductCount FROM pc.CatJobLevel A1 INNER JOIN pc.CatProductJobLevel L1 ON A1.ID = L1.JobLevelID INNER JOIN ( SELECT ID ,CONVERT(NVARCHAR(100), pc.GetLocalisationColumn(Localisation, 'Name', 'ru')) AS Name FROM pc.CatJobLevel) AS A11 ON A1.ID = A11.ID GROUP BY A1.ID, A1.Name, A11.Name
So the output is:
ParentID | ID | Name | LocalisedName | ProductCount |
JobLevels | 1 | Entry-level | Начального уровня | 2 |
JobLevels | 2 | Executive | исполнительный | 4 |
JobLevels | 3 | General Population | Генеральный населения | 4 |
Hope this helps anyone out there!