This is a neat tick shown to me by Alex Norcliffe.
Environment: My laptop has to connect to SVN via my wireless connection while all other requests can go through the local LAN connect on my laptop. I am using Tortoise SVN to access my SVN repository. The LAN connects through a proxy to the Internet so I thought changing the Tortoise SVN proxy settings would allow me to just use the LAN connection, but unfortunatley the proxy doesn't allow SVN requests.
So using both connections (Wireless and LAN) Alex changed the routing table so only SVN request get redirect via the wireless. This is how he did it:
1. Command prompt
2. Type: route print (This will bring up the routing table list)
3. Ping the SVN URL to get the IP address
4. Add a new route entry by typing: route add SVN_IP mask WIRELESS_IP
5. Test by typing: tracert SVN URL
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