Friday, 14 March 2014

How do I copy files after Publish to the Publish folder using Visual Studio 2010 with MSBuild?

My web project in Visual Studio 2010 has post-build events that copies files from a folder into the bin directory of the web project. But when I publish my site, MSBuild seems to ignore the post-build events and these files are NOT copied.

The solution is to create a BAT file that executes from a MSBuild Target. I called my BAT file PostBuildEventPublish.bat and it lives in my solution folder. This is the BAT file contents:

xcopy "%1References\UmbracoCourier.lic" "%2" /y
xcopy "%1References\jumps.umbraco.usync.dll" "%2" /y

The parameters %1 and %2 are input from the MSBuild csproj file. In VS2010 unload your web project and edit the project then insert this Target (at the bottom):

<Target Name="AfterPublish" AfterTargets="CopyAllFilesToSingleFolderForPackage">    
    <Exec Command="$(SolutionDir)References\PostBuildEventPublish.bat &quot;$(SolutionDir)&quot; &quot;$(ProjectDir)obj\$(Configuration)\Package\PackageTmp\bin&quot;" />
    <Message Importance="Normal" Text="Finished PostBuildEventPublish.bat" />

Obviously change to the paths you want to use.

As you can see parameter %1 = $(SolutionDir)
and parameter %2 = $(ProjectDir)obj\$(Configuration)\Package\PackageTmp\bin

You will notice that my Target always gets executed before the actual publish files are copied. 

C:\Dev\Puma\Main\References\PostBuildEventPublish.bat "C:\Dev\Main\" "C:\Dev\Puma\Main\Web\obj\Debug\Package\PackageTmp\bin"
1 File(s) copied
1 File(s) copied
Finished PostBuildEventPublish.bat
Publish Pipeline Deploy phase Pre-Deploy CopyAllFilesToOneFolder Stage
Deleting existing files...
Publishing folder /...
Publishing folder App_Browsers...
Publishing folder App_Data...
Publishing folder App_Data/packages...
Publishing folder App_Data/packages/created...

Publishing folder App_Data/packages/installed...
Publishing folder uSync/Template/ZMag...
Publishing folder Views...
========== Build: 5 succeeded or up-to-date, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========

========== Publish: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========

So parameter %2 is where the magic happens. Here we copy the files into the temp publish folder and when Publish completes copying the files to the actual Publish folder these post-build files will also be copied.


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for this! I was trying to figure out how to get the Publish Directory in the AfterPublish target, but hadn't considered copying to the temporary build folder. SUPER helpful!

Unknown said...

Great example. But i still have a problem.
How to copy de files to the package? It allways copy to anywhere but zip package when i use web deploy package.

Unknown said...

I haven't used the web deploy package feature so not sure why its not included. Can you please give me a more detailed explanation?

Anonymous said...

Thank you. This is a very good example.
I want to execute a file after all publish avent is finished. But as you said script executes before copying files. Is there a way that the script could be executed after copying all files?

Unknown said...

Have you tried Target Name="AfterBuild"?